Tracking Lambart, Frances Thomasina Virginia

This map page represents that person and any descendants with all of their event/ places. If you place your mouse over the marker it will display the place name. The markers and the Reference list are sorted in date order (if any?). Clicking on a place’s name in the Reference section will take you to that place’s page.


Date Place Title Event Type
about 1890 Navan, Meath Birth
February 17, 1874 Dublin, Dublin, Ireland Marriage
December 21, 1874 Dublin, Dublin, Ireland Birth
December 15, 1875 Dublin, Dublin, Ireland Birth
November 21, 1876 Dublin, Dublin, Ireland Birth
January 18, 1878 Dublin, Dublin, Ireland Birth
March 8, 1879 Dublin, Dublin, Ireland Birth
April 24, 1880 Dublin, Dublin, Ireland Birth
April 12, 1881 Dublin, Dublin, Ireland Birth
May 21, 1882 Dublin, Dublin, Ireland Birth
1883 Dublin, Dublin, Ireland Birth
December 12, 1884 Dublin, Dublin, Ireland Birth
May 17, 1886 Navan, Meath Birth
1887 Navan, Meath Birth
November 11, 1889 Navan, Meath Birth
September 19, 1900 Dublin, Dublin, Ireland Death
February 22, 1925 Dublin, Dublin, Ireland Death
July 2, 1931 Navan, Meath Death
September 15, 1953 Dublin, Dublin, Ireland Death
April 4, 1963 Dublin, Dublin, Ireland Death